Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can you help us?

We want to be able to play some games in the space outside our class. If you know any good games we could play in our little space, could you share them with us.
What games can we play in a small space?
What games are safe to play on concrete?
What games do you play at school?
Room 3


  1. Hi, Ella, Ethan and I looked on the internet for some ideas...hopscotch (you could do a spiral shape), ten pin bowling (or something similar), simon says, red light / green light (person up front, others trying to reach front, when he turns around and says 'red light' they have to freeze or they're out), elastics, four square (map out four joining squares, person in top square bounces ball to left and so on until someone is out. Get out by fumbling the ball, stepping outside of your square or bouncing the ball more than once inside your square). Good luck find games for your space, the Wisnewski family

  2. Hi everyone!

    What a fantastic blog you have here!

    I was thinking I wonder if you could try skipping - with a big long rope and a person at each end turning it. I was also wondering how many people would be able to jump at the same time??? What do you think?

  3. One of my favourite games is Gutter Ball. See if you can draw up a knock out chart and have a mini-competition. Maybe your winner could challenge your teacher! Or maybe create a giant chess board or checkers board on the concrete and make your own pieces out of old buckets!

  4. Hi Room 3
    We have a few ideas for your concrete area.

    - 4 square (Tyree and Austin)
    - hop scotch (Austin)
    - paint a game of snakes and ladders on the concrete (Miss B)
    - padder tennis against the wall (Samara)
    - you could try a ten pin bowling game? (Rena)
    - target throwing games - a circle with numbers on it (Isaac)

    We hope we have been helpful! make sure you check out our bird feeders next week!

    from Room 10

  5. Have fun with the new games room 3.
    4 square is fun.

  6. you could make a square for a game of 4 square,target throwing,eg you draw a few circles and 1 big circle and you throw a ball at the target and whoever gets the closest and patter tennis on the big wall.tannah
